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» » » » » War on Want: A Deeper Look into Their Executive Director’s Passion for War and Politics

War on Want: A Deeper Look into Their Executive Director’s Passion for War and Politics 

Everybody’s passion derives from somewhere, Our Reporter Sobia Khan interviews War on Want’s Executive Director, Mr John Hilary to uncover how his interest in one of the world’s most controversial and gloomiest issues – war, started, why he wrote his book – ‘Poverty against Capitalism’ and to uncover his outlook on the future of our government.

Origination of interest in politics

There always comes a point in every person’s life when they question themselves where they are headed, what is next and what they hope to achieve in life.

For one man, his discovery materialised while on a trip to Pakistan, followed by China, for two years, which stimulated his desire to be involved with “international affairs with a political angle.”

That same man, who is Mr John Hilary, became Executive Director of War on Want - which is extensively considered as one of Britain’s most radical charities.

                                                        Photograph of Mr Hilary in his office taken by our reporter Sobia Khan.

Mr Hilary said: “China at the time was still very much a socialist planned economy coming out its communist past and embracing the globalised capitalist economy.”

He continued, “It was an incredibly exciting time to see a country with completely different mechanisms and that was what inspired me to work in this field.”

He is not afraid to tackle big questions and deliver polished responses bursting with information. Mr Hilary graduated with a degree in Greek, Latin and ancient civilisation which elucidates his wide knowledge on cultural issues.

'Stop arming Israel' Poster.

War on Want information booklets.

Information on Austerity booklet.

The Poverty of Capitalism – his book and philosophy

Mr Hilary released a book last year called ‘The Poverty of Capitalism Economic Meltdown and the Struggle for What Comes Next’.

Picture used from

He told The Realist: “The inspiration for the book really comes out from the kind of work War on Want does, and particularly the desire we have to challenge the root causes of poverty and injustice around the world."

He continued giving more insight to the details behind his book: “There are a lot of different organisations & NGO’s that focus on the symptoms of poverty and injustice and one of our key strengths I think is to look beneath that, what are the systemic & structural reasons why, after decades of giving aid and charity there is no long term solutions in sight and for us."

Ultimately he concluded with a further elaboration that the key is to trace back to the root that creates a system, and in this case, the poverty of capitalism, he stated that: “capitalism, particularly global capitalism, is the problem.”

His choice of the word ‘we’ when he mentioned his book in relation to War on Want is a small illustration of his modesty and shows unity.

War is a business?

Mr Hilary’s answer to whether, in his opinion, war is a business is documented in the media clip below where he expands on military spending, privatisation of war and his campaign’s stance on this notion.

The new world order, the Bilderberg group and the possibility of having a one world government

Mr Hilary in response to the actualities of the Bilderberg group stated: “I absolutely believe that those forums exist, the Bilderberg group has become much more candid about their meetings and who takes part, it is quite clear that they happen.

He continued “They try lateral commission and the world economic forum,” which are two points that he touches on his book, Poverty Against Capitalism.

He considers these groups ‘very important’ for the planning of the next stages of capitalist expansion, and stresses the prominence of elitists who ensure that they have the right people in key jobs across the global economy.

He said, “There is no sense that this is conspiracy, it is completely openly trying to further the interest of capital over the interest of people.”

Mr Hilary’s response on the possibility of having a one world government is documented in the audio clip below, where he continues to touch on austerity, the system and the struggle of his life’s work.

Mr Hilary: in the eyes of somebody else

Speaking on his opinion of Mr Hilary, Jeff Powell, Campaigns and Policy Director of War on War said: “He has provided the organisation with analytical vision which has really made it a very unique organisation amongst development and campaigning groups in the UK.

He continued: “He is somebody who is really well networked into issues in the UK and internationally, and is himself a strong campaigner, writer and thinker.”

To listen to Mr Powell’s interview, click on the media link below.

War on Want inside the office

War on Want sign.

'Love fashion hate sweatshops' posters.

'Love fashion hate sweatshops' badges.

You can follow Mr John Hilary on twitter to keep up to date with the work he is doing across the UK.

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