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Real stories, real people, real voices: The Realist is a Human Rights Conflict magazine where we look at different conflicts around the world (from social to warfare) and the impact they have on people's lives - not only in their surrounding areas but from all around the world. 

Violence on Women: The Different Forms, The Different Impacts, The Same On-going Issue

Violence on Women: The Different Forms, The Different Impacts, The Same On-going Issue

Our reporter Sobia Khan looks at the different forms of violence on women and discloses shocking statistics which demonstrate that attacks on women are very much alive in the UK where more focus needs to be emphasised on the growing problem before it worsens.

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Itemization of violence on women

There will never be a time where violence against women is not seen as a prevalent human rights abuse worldwide.

According to the End Violence Against Women (EVAW) Organisation, every single year across the UK, approximately 3 million women experience some form of violence.

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What is even more alarming is that there are many more women living with the affliction of mistreatment that have gone unreported.

  • Rape and sexual violence crimes
  • Forced marriage
  • Female genital mutilation (FGM)
  • Murders committed in the name of ‘honour’
  • Sexual harassment and domestic violence
  • Commercial sexual exploitation such as prostitution and     pornography
  • Stalking

Misconception of rape & women

-     According to The Guardian, “a survey reported one in three women have reported some form of physical or sexual abuse since the age of 15, while 8% suffered some form of abuse in the last 12 months.”

-    “The same survey, based on interviews with 42,000 women across 28 EU member states, found extensive abuse across the continent, which typically goes unreported and undetected by the authorities.”

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The EVAW Coalition is a UK group of more than 60 women’s organisations, rape crisis being one of them, together working to end all forms of violence against women.

Sarah Green, part of EVAW coalition told The Realist: “We’re constantly surrounded by the idea that women make it up and that they make false allegations, there is authoritative government research that shows that there is not a high number of false allegation of rape.”

In fact, according to Rape crisis organisation, approximately, 85,000 women are raped on average in England and Wales every year.

The effects of violence on women

Violence and the threat of violence impact women globally, irrespective of culture, race, and wealth.

Statistics used from

The damage forces demoralizing physical and psychological bearings on women and has extensive costs for their loved ones, communities and societies.

Traditionally, violence against women, predominantly domestic violence, has been secreted, disregarded and absent from the humanrights agenda.

It is often seen as a 'private issue' or a ‘women's issue' which leads women rights campaigners to believe that it is not treated with the importance that it is worthy of. 

The government have a huge responsibility to try and put a stop to it and to equalize the suffering it causes women and girls.

Society’s perception on violence on women

In a survey for Amnesty International: ‘Over 1 in 4 respondents thought a woman was partially or totally responsible for being raped if she was wearing sexy or revealing clothing, and more than 1 in 5 held the same view if a woman had had many sexual partners.’ Amnesty UK (2005) Sexual Assault Research. Amnesty. London.                           
 Image used from www, 
Rape crisis found that large proportions, near enough to half their users, were abused as girls.

EVAW coalition labelled this a very ‘important fact’ that gives the public a better understanding of child sexual abuse and rape.

The future of violence against women

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President of UK National Committee for GenderEquality & the Empowerment of Women, Jan Gratsy described violence against women as a ‘global pandemic’.

She added: “Sexual violence against women and girls is used as an instrumental war which is quite chilling and awful.”

In the media clip below, Jan Gratsy talks about the Global Summit to End Sexual Violence which is set to take place this summer in London.

Gratsy said: “People should endorse the summit as a great initiative by Foreign Secretary William Hague,” who will co-chair the summit with Angelina Jolie, to generate a sense of irreversible measures towards terminating the practice of sexual violence and rape.

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Hopefully this summit sparks some kind of revolution towards cutting down the violence against women.

Or this will endlessly be a problem that will exacerbate over time.

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Water Aid: An Insight into the Work That the Charity Does

Water Aid: An Insight into the Charity’s work

Can you envision life without safe, clean water? ‘For 748 million people this is an everyday reality’. Our reporter Sobia Khan speaks to WaterAid and the Met Office and takes a look at the work the charity has achieved and the measures they are taking to ensure that they continue to reach out to people who have poor water sanitation.

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The luxury of water

Whether it is running a nice bath after a long day at work or pouring water into a glass when thirsty: we never tend to really stop and contemplate about how fortunate we are to have the comfort of clean water running through our taps.

Unfortunately, some people in the world do not possess that luxury.

People in our nation are more likely to be consumed by first world problems than to consider the problems of the third world.

The actions of WaterAid

Video shared from WaterAid -

For over 30 years, the organisation, WaterAid has brought sanitation and safe water to millions of people in the poorest communities who suffer from disease and hardship.

They have worked with local partners to help communities have access to safe water and sanitation.

By working with local partners they are able to invest in the future of local communities so that they cannot continue the good work, which is an essential part of their work.

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They believe that it is the most progressive and sustainable tactic.

As a charity, they know better than anyone else that the sheer scale of the crisis means that they cannot solve it alone.

They work with communities to influence governments and other service providers to prioritise safe water and sanitation.

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WaterAid donators money

Donators funding and support has assisted the charity to enforce higher standards of training to guarantee that the vital role of water, sanitation and hygiene by decreasing poverty which is acknowledged universally.

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A representative for WaterAid, said: “In the last year, in 2012-2013, for every £1 that was spent 77 pence of that went directlytowards charitable objectives providing clean water, improving sanitation and hygiene education.”

She added: “The remaining 23 pence was spent on governance and fundraising and to sort of put that in to context for every £1 that was spent on fundraising, in return we raised £4.74.”

WaterAid sponsors

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The Met Office began their affiliation with WaterAid in autumn 2012.

Deputy Head of Communications for the Met Office, Andy Yeatman said: “We look very forward to raising as much money as awareness for the work of WaterAid as we can over the coming years.”

He added: “The work that WaterAid do on water resources has a great                             synergy with the work we do on researching the world climate.”

To hear more of what Andy Yeatman had to say click the audio link below.

Profile Picture of Andy used from

Vision of 2030

Here is a short audio clip which contains a brief discussion on WaterAid’s vision for the year 2030.

If you feel inspired by WaterAid’s work and would like to make a donation to WaterAid, click here.

War on Want: A Deeper Look into Their Executive Director’s Passion for War and Politics

War on Want: A Deeper Look into Their Executive Director’s Passion for War and Politics 

Everybody’s passion derives from somewhere, Our Reporter Sobia Khan interviews War on Want’s Executive Director, Mr John Hilary to uncover how his interest in one of the world’s most controversial and gloomiest issues – war, started, why he wrote his book – ‘Poverty against Capitalism’ and to uncover his outlook on the future of our government.

Origination of interest in politics

There always comes a point in every person’s life when they question themselves where they are headed, what is next and what they hope to achieve in life.

For one man, his discovery materialised while on a trip to Pakistan, followed by China, for two years, which stimulated his desire to be involved with “international affairs with a political angle.”

That same man, who is Mr John Hilary, became Executive Director of War on Want - which is extensively considered as one of Britain’s most radical charities.

                                                        Photograph of Mr Hilary in his office taken by our reporter Sobia Khan.

Mr Hilary said: “China at the time was still very much a socialist planned economy coming out its communist past and embracing the globalised capitalist economy.”

He continued, “It was an incredibly exciting time to see a country with completely different mechanisms and that was what inspired me to work in this field.”

He is not afraid to tackle big questions and deliver polished responses bursting with information. Mr Hilary graduated with a degree in Greek, Latin and ancient civilisation which elucidates his wide knowledge on cultural issues.

'Stop arming Israel' Poster.

War on Want information booklets.

Information on Austerity booklet.

The Poverty of Capitalism – his book and philosophy

Mr Hilary released a book last year called ‘The Poverty of Capitalism Economic Meltdown and the Struggle for What Comes Next’.

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He told The Realist: “The inspiration for the book really comes out from the kind of work War on Want does, and particularly the desire we have to challenge the root causes of poverty and injustice around the world."

He continued giving more insight to the details behind his book: “There are a lot of different organisations & NGO’s that focus on the symptoms of poverty and injustice and one of our key strengths I think is to look beneath that, what are the systemic & structural reasons why, after decades of giving aid and charity there is no long term solutions in sight and for us."

Ultimately he concluded with a further elaboration that the key is to trace back to the root that creates a system, and in this case, the poverty of capitalism, he stated that: “capitalism, particularly global capitalism, is the problem.”

His choice of the word ‘we’ when he mentioned his book in relation to War on Want is a small illustration of his modesty and shows unity.

War is a business?

Mr Hilary’s answer to whether, in his opinion, war is a business is documented in the media clip below where he expands on military spending, privatisation of war and his campaign’s stance on this notion.

The new world order, the Bilderberg group and the possibility of having a one world government

Mr Hilary in response to the actualities of the Bilderberg group stated: “I absolutely believe that those forums exist, the Bilderberg group has become much more candid about their meetings and who takes part, it is quite clear that they happen.

He continued “They try lateral commission and the world economic forum,” which are two points that he touches on his book, Poverty Against Capitalism.

He considers these groups ‘very important’ for the planning of the next stages of capitalist expansion, and stresses the prominence of elitists who ensure that they have the right people in key jobs across the global economy.

He said, “There is no sense that this is conspiracy, it is completely openly trying to further the interest of capital over the interest of people.”

Mr Hilary’s response on the possibility of having a one world government is documented in the audio clip below, where he continues to touch on austerity, the system and the struggle of his life’s work.

Mr Hilary: in the eyes of somebody else

Speaking on his opinion of Mr Hilary, Jeff Powell, Campaigns and Policy Director of War on War said: “He has provided the organisation with analytical vision which has really made it a very unique organisation amongst development and campaigning groups in the UK.

He continued: “He is somebody who is really well networked into issues in the UK and internationally, and is himself a strong campaigner, writer and thinker.”

To listen to Mr Powell’s interview, click on the media link below.

War on Want inside the office

War on Want sign.

'Love fashion hate sweatshops' posters.

'Love fashion hate sweatshops' badges.

You can follow Mr John Hilary on twitter to keep up to date with the work he is doing across the UK.

Vigil for Vanunu: Will He Ever Get To Savour The Taste of Freedom?

Vigil for Vanunu: Will He Ever Get To Savour The Taste of Freedom?

Upon his discharge from prison in 2004, Mordechai Vanunu has still got a long way to go until he is at liberty. A vigil took place to mark the 10 year anniversary of his release, but what did his dedicated supporters have to say about the current position that he is in?  Our reporter, Sobia Khan reports the live event that took place outside the Israeli Embassy, London.

Vanunu’s release from prison: Ten years later

For most, a jail sentence begins the day one sets foot in prison, but for Vanunu, it is quite the contrary.

April 21, 2014 - marked the 10th anniversary of Mordechai Vanunu’s release after serving 18 years in an Israeli prison, he spent 11 years in solitary confinement.

Outside Kensington High Street tube station, on this occasion, it was not the Israeli Embassy that people paid their attention to, but to what was taking place on the opposite side of the road.

Photo of campaigners used from - Adeline O'Keeffe: 

Free Vanunu badges.

Policemen observing the vigil. 

Campaigner holding an article about Vanunu.

'Let Vanunu Go' protest sign.

A vigil held to remember Vanunu: Campaigners modelled black and white, cardboard cut-out masks of his face which contravened baldly against the piercing blue sky.

In a way, the contrasting colours personified the drastic difference of perspectives of both parties concerned.

Photo of campaigners used from - Adeline O'Keeffe: 

Campaigner wearing a Vanunu mask.

Organiser of the event wearing Vanunu mask.

Chief Organiser of Campaign for a Nuclear Free Middle East, Ernest Rodker said: “Mordechai wants people to know the situation that he’s in and how he desperately wants to leave Israel.”

He continued: “He’s not a free man and we’re here today to draw attention to that.”

Rodker’s full interview is presented in this clip, recorded at the vigil.

This video was recorded & the interview was conducted by our reporter Sobia Khan.

Whistle-blowing & his prison sentence

Vanunu was incarcerated for his ‘crime’ after he revealed through the pages of the British Sunday Times that Israel was secretly equipping itself with a large arsenal of nuclear weapons.

Below is a discussion between two members of the national union of journalists (NUJ). Jacob Ecclestone starts the discussion with his opinion of the treatment of Vanunu by the Sunday Times following Barry White’s outlook about the importance of whistle-blowers to journalists.

Jacob Ecclestone on the left of the photograph (speaks first in discussion), Barry White on the left of the photograph (speaks second).

But should whistleblowing such a deadly secret be seen as a courageous act in the service of humanity?

In spite of having served the full sentence for his alleged ‘crime’, on release he was immediately placed under severe restrictions on his freedom of movement, speech and association and restriction which have been annually renewed ever since.

Thus he is prevented from leaving Israel, something he fervently wants to do; to move around freely or even talk to ‘foreigners’ – he has even served another three months for this peculiar ‘crime’.

The reason for these restrictions is the claim by the Israeli secret services that he may still have ‘secrets’ to reveal that could be damaging to Israel.         

Imprisonment of human rights

Nancy Hawker, campaigner of the Middle East and North Africa Programme for Amnesty International said: “He’s still in Israel, under strict restrictions which violate his human rights to freedom of expression, freedom of association, freedom of movement. These restrictions are arbitrary and appear to be vindictive and they should be lifted immediately.”

Nancy Hawker at the vigil - photo taken by Sobia Khan.

She continued: “Amnesty international have been making representations to the Israeli government for many years, to allow Mordechai Vanunu to leave Israel as he wishes to do so. It’s his right.”

                                Nancy Hawker's full interview on Mordechai Vanunu filmed and interviewed by our reporter Sobia Khan.

It could be that the real reason for Vanunu’s never-ending persecution is a form of revenge?

Perhaps it is a persecution to discourage an example to discourage others from following a similar whistle-blowing path in respect of Israel’s defence and security establishment.

In light of recent whistle-blowers, such as: Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden & Julian Assange, it is quite clear that informers are still considered as traitors.

Perhaps the genuine traitors are those who are/were accountable for the acts that they exposed.